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Welded seam and soldered seam testing with CCD cameras

While most sheet metal components for car bodies in the automobile industry can be produced by means of cold deformation, this method of production cannot be used for the hatchback on the whole. The reason is the sharp-edged transition to the concavity for the number plate. The hatchback therefore has to be compiled of an upper and lower part.

Since quite recently, the technique of laser soldering is being used for the joining method. The indisputable advantages of this method are in no way belittled by sporadic and incidental pores appearing in the soldered seam. However, seam testing is essential for the quality awareness well-known in the automobile industry.

With its WELDchecker, Opsis has created a visual testing system – after many unavailing attempts from other companies – which can detect even the smallest of pores and marginal defects on the welded seam with high reliability.

For this purpose, a high speed camera with a bent arm robot is routed over the welded seam, thereby replacing the human eye. Each detected defect is marked by ink jet next to the welded seam. The defects are recorded from a pore diameter of 1/10 mm with a feed speed by the test robot of 100 mm/s – and as can be expected with mechanical vision – without tiring, even in 3 shifts around the clock and always with the same precision and reliability!

WELDchecker Produktdatenblatt [PDF] (only in German)

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KUKA robot with opsis WELDchecker tests the hatchback of an AUDI A4

Original picture – typical view of a welded seam with defects

Graphical results - typical view of a welded seam with defects

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